Purchase of the Andrews Centre

Purchase of the Andrews Centre

Purchase of the Andrews Centre

Early last year Endeavour Ministries Inc. was given the news that the Landlord of the Andrews Centre premises, out of which our main services run, did not intend to renew the Lease. The Landlord was willing to sell but that seemed a very daunting prospect! We have been able to afford these premises for the past 20 years thanks to the generous support of The Andrews Foundation but that unfortunately could not continue.

After much work seeking alternative premises, it became apparent in the end that the only viable option was to seek a way in which we could purchase our current location.

On April 9 Endeavour Ministries Inc. raised the money to purchase the Andrews Centre by the only means possible – selling three of our four emergency accommodation units. ( Fortunately we have been able to lease back the sold units so that we can continue to use them for emergency accommodations).

It is a challenging time, especially with the Op Shop being forced to close and with the added pressure of more people seeking crisis assistance due to the impact of the corona virus. City of Casey have provided us with some assistance with operational expenses for which we are most grateful, but we are heavily reliant on donations from those who know the value of all that is done through our many and varied programs to help people in crisis.